Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mark 400th Anniversary by Studying Bible

Mark 400th Anniversary by Studying Bible
Picture found at

It's hard to believe that 400 years have passed since the King James version of the Bible has been published. I plan on devoting a little more time to studying it's precious words this month. I'm so grateful for the sweet words contained within it's pages and for the sacrifice of those who made it's publication possible.

One of my FAVORITE books on one of those dear martyrs, is Fire In the Bones, by S. Michael Wilcox, which I HIGHLY recommend. It is one of my favorite books. Reads like a story, though it is NOT historical fiction.

From the book jacket:

He was William Tyndale, and the
story of his life, told in Fire in the Bones, reads like a novel, as
exciting in its facts as any fiction could be. He knew the smugglers' secret
marks and their intense, fraternal loyalty. He tasted the salt of shipwreck and
knew the despair of lost manuscripts buried under the waves of the North Sea.
Intrigue, safe houses, bribes, spies, covert conversations, last-minute flight,
aliases, imprisonment, loneliness, all wove their spell into the riddles of his
hidden world. He died at last as a martyr, but not before he had bequeathed to
the world some of the most beloved and sacred phrases and terms in Holy Writ,
including Atonement , still small voice , and Let there be
Readers everywhere will be captivated by his story.

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